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​​At the core, Ayurveda believes that each of us is born with our own personal master plan for vibrant health. Your constitution in many ways defines who you are. No two humans have the same exact ayurvedic makeup (constitution). Ayurveda recognizes five elements as the fundamental building blocks of nature: earth, water, fire, air, and space. Everything in nature contains all five of these elements.

What might be beneficial to you could be less than beneficial for someone else, one person's nectar is another person's poison.  It all depends on who you are, what patterns are currently functioning in your system. While there are some practices that are beneficial for all most everyone, Ayurveda places the focus firmly on you, the individual. This is why an assessment of your constitution, and your current state of balance, can help establish a set of personalized recommendations to support you in your journey through life; mind, body, and soul

There are seven general constitutional types, from there we break down the imbalances according to which doshas are elevated beyond their normal ratio in your constitution.

Knowing your constitution and your current balance state offers insights that can help you better understand yourself, your normal tendencies, your habitual, and current vulnerabilities. Once you know your constitutional make-up, your current state of balance, you can adjust components of your day; how you exercise, when you eat, etc, which will support your well-being.

Spring Onions

The Doshas

Vata elements of air and space, A Vata individual will display physical and mental characteristics that reflect the qualities of light, cold, dry, rough, subtle, and mobile.

Pitta elements of fire and water, A pitta dominant person will display physical and mental characteristics that reflect the qualities of hot, sharp, light, moving, acidic, liquid, and oily.

Kapha elements of water and earth, A Kapha dominant person will display physical and mental characteristics that reflect the qualities of moist, cold, heavy, soft, dull, sticky, and static.

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